Over 17 years of experience with large PRINT and TV organizations, developing and implementing special digital projects, providing certain competitive advantages and a lot of added value (4ml € TURNOVER only from MEGA channel).
Special applications for automatic content transfers and publications between TV, PRINT and Internet production platforms, using common multimedia database designs and systems integration advanced technologies.
Organizing and operating CENTRAL NEWS DESKS for the daily production of television stations along with automated feeds for all media platforms (WEB, MOBILE, SOCIAL MEDIA).
Managing all technology aspects of commercial department operations. Large experience with all major ad servers.
ZENTECH also offers the ability for specialized assistance and physical presence of one of our employees, once a week at your premises, for the first months of implementation.
Proprietary technology platform customized for fast and efficient journalistic work, specialized for PRINT and TV industry.
Extensive experience on building, equipping, operating and managing TV and RADIO stations. Proven experience in bridge projects between TV systems and Internet platforms for interactive TV apps.
Applying leading edge technologies for better monetization like INFINITE SCROLLS and STICKY BANNERS
Our strategy for mobile platforms besides responsive design, includes the development of a new specifically optimized for mobile different site version.
We have developed a multitude of specialized tools for improving the journalist’s productivity, as well as recording it on a continuous basis. There are also tools for the chief editors providing online monitoring of visitors per article, helping them optimize their publishing to attract larger audiences.